Well, I’ve just found the perfect location to do this >>>>> read all about it here
The Jo Experience
Drone Crasher, camera breaker, cold water camera wielding idiot. I love a good swear word. If you can teach me a new swear word before booking then I’ll probably give you a discount. I’m appallingly awful at having my own photo taken so really don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to be a photographer…Here I am, mid aisle, loads of eyes burning into my back as I block their view……

Lockdown 2020 turned out to be a bit busy for me, while everybody else was perving over that PE teacher every morning, buying copious amounts of loo roll and pasta and baking shit banana bread I decided to find my inner middle aged bloke and learn to fly a drone and figure out how the fuck to film weddings without making myself cringe and vomit….. . It went well, I got qualified in drone flying and I ended up not being too shit at filming..…Read More
Oh, and I edit in iMovie like a teenager doing GCSE exams…. because I’m not a videographer, just a photographer who films a few bits.

I generally hate the term ideal clients, simply because because think that it means the appearance or budget of a couple. That couldn’t be further from the truth. My ideal client is all shapes and sizes, any race, any gender, sexuality, plans to get married in any venue or even elope… any combination of human. The one thing they have in common that makes them my ideal clients? They are lovely, down to earth humans who just want to have a bloody fabulous day. I’m not a massive fan of pomp and vanity, so all that expensive shite just to boast to Karen who lives down the road is totally wasted on me.
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t like working with wedding planners. I like the freedom to work in my own way, direct with couples, venues and co-ordinators. If you use the word luxury when wedding planning, I can assure you, I’m not the right fit for you.
My ideal client is a normal person, teeters on the edge of the gram, probably says they hate having their photos taken but in reality shove a few bevvies down their neck and their inner zoolander comes bursting through. They love the outdoors, even the rain, they possibly love interior design or nice looking stuff, they love a laugh, good times with friends. They are relaxed, chill, not too demanding, they love to LAUGH, they find naughty things a bit funny even though they know they shouldn't . The photos are about the wedding, the wedding IS NOT about the photos.
You’re getting married, it’s one day of your life, you wanna have everybody in the room you love and adore. You want it captured, you don’t want somebody in your face with the camera but you do want it documenting. A gentle balance between understanding the boundaries of my job and your day. You’re not going to present me with 1289 group shots but you are going to do some. Family shots are important and I do like to make sure you have these too. Usually when you don’t do group shots I get grief from mother-in-law-zilla whinging about why she’s not in a group shot. Honestly, I haven’t got time for that shit.
It’s super important to me that my ideal client values me. Somebody who’s first question to me isn’t simply “What are your prices” I want my couples to love what I do and to not even quibble over the cost. I’ve been shooting weddings for 17 years and actually, believe it or not I’m on the cheaper side these days. I’m worth it. I’m funny, I can take a decent photo, I give A LOT to my clients and I fly fucking drones man …. C’MON!
I pride myself on client experience first and foremost, even before the actual job of taking photos.
My ideal client will understand that I don’t just take a photo, I dive straight in, usually into somebody’s armpit on the dance floor to get that fugly photo of nana twerking around the best man she’s clearly been perving on all day. I get the kid picking their nose, the bridesmaid pulling their knickers out their bum crack yet I also get those romantic sweeping dramatic shots. I do it all, because I love it all. I can’t possibly explain the type of weddings I love to do, because it’s not the weddings, it’s the people I enjoy. So be it a registry office in Bognor Regis or a Las Vegas elopement… so long as you’re not a dick, I’m there.

Lake District - UK
This is where I live, but I will work anywhere people want me to. I love this place but f**k me, sometimes mountains and trees gets boring. Stick me in a city and give me a challenge. I’m pretty flexible, I can adapt to all sorts of different styles of weddings in any environment. I travel all over the place - sorry extinction rebellion. If it makes things better I drive a hybrid car and have stopped eating avocados. No? I tried. Get in Touch…
“Love is, being locked down in a global pandemic and still wanting to get married at the end of it”